Walter Toolstation TX750


EAN-code: 7626808-Walter

Walter Toolstation TX750 tool machine, the perfect solution for tool storage

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- Reduces the number of stored tools by 50%

- Reduces the floor space needed for tool storage

- Reduces tool retrieval time by 80%

- 24/7 access

- Reduces production downtime

- Automated tool retrieval and ordering

- Comprehensive reporting capabilities

- Secured server, no need for IT personnel, internal backups, high-security data storage

- Fully customizable drawer sizes, even post-purchase

- Up to 987 tool slots in 1m² of floor space

- Product handling time under 10 seconds

- Pick and return functions

- 19" touchscreen

- 1D/2D scanner included in delivery

- Access badge scanner available as an accessory

- Automated door reduces horizontal space requirement

- Sharpened tool function (forces selection of the sharpened tool first)

- Management of measuring tool calibration

- Two A-drawers can be combined into a 340x138mm size

Technical details
Description Symbol Value
866 mm
1052 mm
2017 mm
Locker quantity
987 kpl
A Locker size
170x138 mm
B Locker size
138x96 mm
C Locker size
120x80 mm
D Locker size
98x56 mm
Tag scanner